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The Houthis, Iranian-backed rebels in Yemen who have launched recent drone and missile attacks on Israeli and American targets, are emerging as an unpredictable and dangerous wild card in the Middle East — the proxies that Iran considers most suited to widening the war with Israel.

Analysts close to the Iranian government said the Houthis’ base in Yemen makes them ideally positioned to escalate fighting in the region, in the hopes of pressuring Israel to end its war with Hamas in Gaza.

The analysts’ assessment tracks with descriptions of a plan by Iran and its network of militias to increase attacks on Israeli and American targets in the region, according to two Iranians affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps who were not authorized to speak publicly.

The Houthis, the analysts said, are Iran’s chosen proxies because from Yemen they are both close enough to the Red Sea’s strategic waterways to disrupt global shipping, and far enough from Israel to make retaliatory strikes difficult. Unlike Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militant group that has struck Israel from Lebanon, the Houthis are not beholden to domestic political dynamics — making them effectively accountable to no one.

Two senior Israeli defense officials said their intelligence confirmed that Iran’s leaders were pushing the regional militias to intensify their attacks against Israel. They said Israel’s defense and intelligence circles were alarmed by the recent Houthi attacks and considered the threat serious enough that military intelligence had established a special unit dedicated to threats coming from Yemen. In recent years, they said, Israeli intelligence had also predicted the next war would be fought on multiple fronts, mentioning the Houthis and other Iranian proxies.

Already, the Houthis have used their proximity to major shipping lanes to attack commercial vessels and threaten U.S. warships. A further escalation along the same routes could disrupt global shipping, analysts said.

“We think Houthis in Yemen will become more of a threat to Israel in the long term than Hamas or even Hezbollah,” said Nasser Imani, a political analyst in Tehran who is close to the government. “Iran considers them a major player and part of the collective strategy of the resistance axis.”

On Thursday, John F. Kirby, a national security spokesman for President Biden, said the Houthi attacks threatened to escalate tensions in the region: “It’s clearly a risk to the potential widening and deepening of the conflict.”

The network of Iran-backed regional militias, known as the axis of resistance, includes Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen, as well as several militia groups in Iraq and Syria. Since Israel declared war on Hamas after the group launched a terrorist attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7, other axis members have opened secondary fronts against Israel in a restrained manner, stopping short of igniting an all-out war. Militias in Iraq and Syria have attacked American military bases more than 70 times with drones and rockets.

As Israel expands its war in Gaza — in which more than 15,000 people, many of them women and children, have been killed, according to Gazan health officials — the axis groups have concluded they must significantly raise the prospect of a regional war to force a cease-fire, according to the Iranians affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards.





伊朗外交部长侯赛因·阿米尔·阿卜杜拉希安(Hossein Amir abdullahian)在公开场合以及最近接受《纽约时报》采访时,都否认伊朗控制着胡塞武装和其他民兵组织。但伊朗高级军事官员和顾问在公开演讲和社交媒体帖子中表示,伊朗正在武装、支持民兵,并与他们进行协调。



“对于胡塞这样的组织来说,这是一场很难调整的游戏,他们不仅是狂热分子,而且几乎没有什么可失去的,”国际危机组织(International Crisis group)伊朗事务主管阿里·瓦伊兹(Ali Vaez)说。“有很多紧张点。战争持续的时间越长,紧张局势完全失控的风险就越大。”


周日,胡塞武装在红海对三艘商船发动了袭击。美国海军在一份声明中表示,美国驱逐舰“卡尼号”(uss Carney)击落了一架朝它飞来的胡塞无人机。

据伊朗和也门的新闻媒体报道,胡塞海军指挥官穆罕默德阿里加德里上将(Gen. Mohammad Ali al-Ghaderi)在谈到周日的空袭时说:“我们国土的水域将成为犹太复国主义敌人船只的墓地。”

华盛顿正在认真对待这一威胁。本周,美国派遣也门问题特使蒂姆?伦德金(Tim Lenderking)前往波斯湾,与地区盟友就如何保障红海和亚丁湾的海上安全进行磋商。




“他们伤害以色列的能力非常、非常有限,”美国军方中央司令部(Central Command)前司令小肯尼思·f·麦肯齐(Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr.)上将说。“更大的风险是,如果他们在曼德海峡使用地雷或短程巡航导弹。”




法纳兹·法西希(Farnaz Fassihi)是《纽约时报》驻纽约记者。此前,她曾担任《华尔街日报》驻中东资深撰稿人和战地记者17年。更多关于Farnaz Fassihi的信息

罗南·伯格曼是《纽约时报》杂志的特约撰稿人,总部设在特拉维夫。他的最新著作是兰登书屋出版的《崛起先杀:以色列定点暗杀的秘史》。更多关于Ronen Bergman的信息

埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmitt)是《纽约时报》的国家安全记者,专注于美国军事事务和海外反恐问题,他已经报道了30多年的话题。更多关于Eric Schmitt的信息